Hello All!
As you may know, my husband and I have recently purchased a home. Because of this we are trying to budget as much as possible.
This of course leads to a lack of $$$ for fun purchases like clothes :(
It has been hard not to buy clothes for myself recently, because if you know me then you know that I take pleasure in expressing myself through my personal style!
In an effort to convince myself that I do not need to go out and buy new clothes to keep my style "fresh" as they say, I am assigning myself a personal challenge.
I call it:
allenge allenge allenge...
(in my head there is an echo when you say it ;)
These are the rules that I am making for myself:
1. Each day I need to create a new outfit without wearing duplicates of any items of clothing. (and document it of course)
2. Basics don't count (leggings, undergarments, etc.)
3. As I work in a messy environment (teaching art), work clothes don't count.
When I get home I must create a new outfit for after work.
4. Footwear won't count as I (unlike a lot of women) don't own 30 pairs of shoes :)
Thats it!
Now, that may seem like a lot of exceptions but I think that it will be challenging none the less.
If I were to wear separates every day, that means I would have to pair 60 different items of clothing...
and I haven't actually counted... so I'm really hoping that I can actually pull this off.
(This is my closet.)
There are a couple reasons that I am challenging myself with this.
1. So I don't shop (as previously stated)
2. So that I am forced to rediscover items of clothing that I may have forgotten about
3. Because it will be fun :)
4. Lastly, to recommit myself to my blog.
For some reason I have been neglecting to post on a regular basis and I am not sure why. I quite enjoy the process of sharing my inspiration with the world, but perhaps I have been lacking the inspiration... ?
With this challenge I will have to post my outfit every day.
(dresses section)
I am definitely not claiming to be some sort authority on fashion.
I am merely doing this as proof that I do, in fact, have something to wear ;)
Oh! and as a quick side note/hair update, I have recently made the switch from white blonde to pastel blueish purple fading to pink.
Check it out.
(indoor lighting)
(outdoor lighting)
I am quite happy with it. I'm really hoping that the colour has staying power...
Hopefully the hair will help me feel more like myself if I end up being forced to wear something that I no longer identify with.
Hey, maybe this will end up being a cleansing experience.
Maybe I will get rid of half my clothes.
Who knows....