Saturday, November 6, 2010


I recently posted a bunch of TIM WALKER's photos from a shoot inspired by TIM BURTON.  
After looking into him I felt it necessary to bring some of his other great works to everyone's attention!
© Tim Walker - The Dress Lamp Tree, Northumberland, England, 2002
© Tim Walker - Pastel Cats, Northumberland, England, 1999
© Tim Walker - Lily Cole and Giant Watering Can, Northumberland, England, 2004
© Tim Walker - Lily Cole and spiral staircase, Whadwan, Gujarat, India - British Vogue, 2005
© Tim Walker - Lisa Cant and 80 White Rabbits, Chiswick, England, 2004

He has sooooo much more out there so if you're interest is peaked google him!
He definitely has a GREAT IMAGINATION.

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